May 3, 2008

sms texting

Some sms abbreviations; Most of them funny. I didn't know many of them. how about you?
FOAD Fuck Off And Die 
STATS Your Sex And Age 
HAND Have A Nice Day 
OTOH On The Other Hand 
ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing 
AYTMTB And You’re Telling Me This Because? 
AIAMU And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle Happy / Smiling 
GTFOH Get The Fuck Outta Here 
ASL Age, Sex, Location 
FUD Fear, Uncertainty And Doubt 
GHP Good Hand Partner (for Online Card Games) 
GLYASDI God Loves You And So Do I 
GRD Grinning, Running And Ducking 
HAK Hugs And Kisses 
LAGNAF Let’s All Get Naked And Fuck!
LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause 
PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
RD Research And Development 
RR Rest And Relaxation 
RKBA Right To Keep And Bear Arms 
WAMBAM Web Application Meets Brick And Mortar 
WOMBAT Waste Of Money, Brains And Time 
A41A14A All For One And One For All 
4FRNFR Forever And Ever 
AAS Alive And Smiling 
ABITHIWT A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush 
AFAHMASP A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted 
AFAIU As Far As I Understand 
AFAIUI As Far As I Understand It 
AGKWE And God Knows What Else 
ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different 
DARFC Ducking And Running For Cover 
DH Dear Hubby Or Husband 
GDR Grinning, Ducking And Running 
HHTYAY Happy Holidays To You And Yours 
IYKWIMAI If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do 
SOP Standard Operating Procedure 
SRO Standing Room Only 
XOXO Hugs And Kisses 
SBIA Stands Back In Amazement 
ROFLCOPTER Roll On Floor Laughing Copter (it’s Funny And It Flies) 
HH Hold Hands 
2N8 Two And Eight (Running Mates) 
NH Nice Hand (used In Poker)
:’ ) Happy And Crying