May 1, 2008


I read some thing about addiction today in a web-site. It got me thinking for a long time. Why only smoking, drinking liquor and taking drugs are classified under addiction? Isn’t being addicted to chewing gums is also addiction? If addiction is classified under psychiatric disorders then shouldn’t we be free of all addictions?

The question is: "Are addictions actually bad habits?" According to the habit model of addiction, they are. This theory of addiction states that the only reason to say there is a difference is to persecute "addicts."

There are numerous lists of bad habits people can acquire, one of the most common is the bad habit of smoking and the people who, do it often feel much persecuted. While smoking is not illegal (at least not yet), it is shunned by society as a whole. At first, you could smoke anywhere. Expecting fathers smoked in the maternity waiting rooms. Then, you could smoke in buildings, but only in a designated smoking room.

Then there came the designated smoking area outside the building. Now restaurants, bars, and whole cities are going smoke-free. It seems that a lot of people have given up their bad habits. However, they do not seem to remember how badly they were addicted before, The truth is that in a way, they are still addicted and always will be. That is how addiction works.

In an effort to save others from the ill effects of their second hand smoke, many people have switched their bad habits to smokeless tobacco. Just because the tobacco is not smoked, though, it does not mean the nicotine is not addictive. It is said to be just as hard a bad habit to break as cigarettes. People quitting it use patches and nicotine gum or Zyban, too.

Sleeping pills are bad habits to get into as well. They can be so addictive that you need a higher and higher dosage to fall asleep. Eventually, they will not help at all. Some people overdose in an attempt to reach a dose that will put them to sleep. It usually takes intervention by a doctor and/or a sleep clinic to straighten you out. 

Alcohol can be a bad habit if you drink to excess. For some people with certain physical conditions, it can be risky anyway. It can be dangerous if mixed with particular medications. However, if a person is addicted to alcohol, they will not be concerned with that. Neither will they be concerned about their jobs or their relationships. It will all be about the next drink.

Drugs pose a variety of bad habits. There are so many illegal drugs that they are too numerous to count. They have different affects and cause different levels of addiction. Some have fast and devastating results. Others do little damage in the short run. Yet, they are all in the same category in a list of bad habits.

There are club drugs, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and hallucinogens. All these drugs can be nasty. There are also legal drugs that people get into bad habits with by starting with an injury or other medical condition. These can be pain pills like percocet, or muscle relaxants. They are also very addictive bad habits.

If you have an addictive bad habit, you probably need some form of help to get over it. In fact, once you have a serious addiction, experiencing the sights, smells, or sounds of your addiction will start your brain in that addictive mode again. It is no wonder that people struggle for years with addictive bad habits.

I Wonder y they never add using internet and gaming into addiction. In Russia we already have rehab centers to treat internet addicts. O-o

Five symptoms to know that you are an internet addict:

1 You suffer withdrawal symptoms such as anger, tension or depression when you can’t get online.

2 You lie about how much time you spend on the web.

3 You risk a job or relationship because of the internet.

4 You try – and fail – to cut back the time you spend on your computer.

5 You lose track of time and neglect basics such as food and sleep.

Do you have the above symptoms?

thanks jessica for the questions :).

Having said about internet addicts i should say about maple addicts as well

Special one for me and my mapling friends:

5 symptoms of a maple addict:

1) You ask your mom to give you a few meso for pocket money

2) You jump when you walk to shop or some thing 

3) You type F1 ~ F9 to people who don play maple in chat. 

4) You spend all your free time mapling

5) You wish you had vip rock to reach a place


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dating advice

quoted from some site : Anyone who has had a nagging mother, an excessively effusive friend, or a smothering steady knows: advice really follows the rules of classical economics – the more that you receive, the less value that it has. Nonetheless, when relationships go foul, people almost instantly do everything but look into their own souls to figure out what the solution is to their problems. You can get advice on dating from almost anywhere. You probably have friends in your life who thinks they specialize in love and romance, sort of self-styled Casanovas who will be more than delighted to volunteer their advice on dating. Besides that, there are internet columns, magazine columns, radio shows, and television programs which emit tens of millions of words and make tens of millions of dollars giving relationship advice to strangers with no reason to trust them but desperation.

The fact is, if you need advice on dating, you had better have a trustworthy and down to earth friend to get it from. There is just no alternative to this. How can you weed through all of the sludge, all of the worthless advice on dating, to find the few nuggets of gold. And even if you do find them, what are the chances that they will apply to you if they were written for a stranger in the first place? But, if you do insist on getting advice on dating, be sure to follow some common sense. Do not trust the mainstream columns. They are popular because of their entertainment, not because of the value of their advice. If they offered the kind of nuanced advice on relationships that is really valuable, they would not have the sensationalist feel that really sells.

Good relationship advice does not come from mass media entertainers, but from qualified professionals. If you are looking for advice on dating, for God's sake, go to a qualified professional. A Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or Social Worker is trained to help people to sort out all of the aspects of their life, from childhood to grave. They are the only people who are trained to give you advice on dating that is really worth anything. However, just having a degree and some training does not guarantee that you can give dating advice that is worth anything. Above all, like everything else in this life, it comes down to simply learning to trust yourself and your own instincts.

When looking for dating advice, you have many places to turn. The problem with getting dating advice is that you never know if you are getting good advice. Your mom may actually have some good tips for you, but is she offering helpful advice, or is she trying to get you hooked up fast because she wants grandchildren? To be fair, most people won’t turn to their mothers for dating advice. They often turn to friends who have been successful in finding happiness. This isn’t always a good idea, however, because what works for your friends may not always work for you.

Many have turned to online dating in hopes of meeting someone special. This type of dating had a bad reputation in the past, but has become more legitimate and socially acceptable. It used to be that online dating guaranteed you met up with your worst nightmare. Today, there are many attractive and sane people using online dating to meet their mates. Many of these online dating sites now also offer dating advice. If you choose a good site to sign up with, you can be assured the dating advice they offer will be top notch. You should take the advice with a grain of salt, and use what makes sense for you and your lifestyle.

Besides online dating sites, there are many other places on the Internet where you can find good dating advice. There are websites devoted to helping you find love, and many of these offer great dating advice. A search online will bring up tons of this type of site. Also remember that dating advice is not one size fits all. If you live in an urban area, advice meant to help you find love at the grocery store might not work for you, but then again, it might. You have to take the dating advice you find and suit it to your life, and you may find you don’t need help anymore. It may start to come naturally to you.

If you are newly divorced and looking for dating advice, you will want to look for sites dedicated to helping you catch up on the changes in dating since you were last on the market. If you have friends who have divorced and have successfully reentered the dating scene, they may be the very best source of dating advice for you. Whether you choose online dating sites for advice, or if you turn to family and friends, remember that the very best dating advice is to always be yourself. Have fun, be open, and you may very soon find people are turning to you for dating advice.


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